Tuesday 25 December 2018

Tuesday, Dec. 25 - We wish the world, our friends and family, a HAPPY AND PEACEFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON. We hope you have a wonderful day.

The top photo is our little outdoor Christmas tree, which we shared with the park. There are lights all over the park, with candles lit in old milk containers in front of every site. As well, as you can see from the third picture, Santa even finds people in R.V. parks.

Today we pack up to go to the Forsyths for Christmas dinner, and to stay while they head off to Costa Rica with their family. We've had nice days here in New Port Ritchie for the past two days, so managed to do some good biking. Gail set a new record as we did 52 kilometers on Saturday. She did some shopping yesterday while I did the same route yesterday. So we're in pretty good shape for our stay at Shalamar Creek.

Have a Happy Happy Day. More later. Stay tuned.

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