Saturday 15 December 2018

Saturday, Dec 15 - Today is our last day at Lake Worth, which is a little sad, as we like the park a lot. But it's time for the gypsies to move on, so tomorrow we'll head for Palm City and a couple of days with our good friend Joyce Brant. We'll have a great visit with her, and get all caught up on the latest.

We had to change sites yesterday, as we were only able to get 5 days on the nice site we'd negotiated upon our arrival. So we took advantage of the fact that we had to uproot to head off to a couple of wildlife centers not too far away from here. Both are located at water processing areas run by the county. They have created rather large areas that allow for the treatment of both fresh and recycled water, at the same time providing a home for a wide variety of wildlife. This also provides a great spot for we humans, as there are extensive boardwalks that allow us to get very close to a variety of bird species. Something we should be doing more of in Canada.

The second picture is quite hilarious, as a large iguana (about 6 feet, Gail reminds me, to reinforce my earlier error in saying they only grow to 3 feet...forgot about their tails) had climbed to the top of a tree normally 'reserved ' for nesting herons and other large shorebirds. How he got there we don't know. Maybe he's going through a personality change, thinking he's a bird. How would that fit in on the LGBTQ scale?
Next is an anhinga, drying out his/her feathers, since they are not oiled (like our cormorants). Then, a mother heron fluffing up her feathers while taking a break from tending her eggs. And finally a grand-daddy gator.
Good fun for lots of people yesterday. We also found some new guys, which I won't bore you with. Except to say we think we saw a Louisiana heron, which we'd never heard of, a purple gallinule, and a couple of warblers we'd not seen before. We don't keep a life list, as we're too lazy. Just enjoy.

Last night we watched the Christmas parade of boats go by. About 20 of them, decorated for Christmas with loads of lights, follow a fancied-up barge from which they blast off all kinds of fireworks. They do the perimeter of the lake, and have a great time. We should do the same in Picton Harbour. Except we'd have to do it in early October, which is rushing the season way too much.

Finally, Gail tried out her new Instant Pot on Thursday. It took a lot of work to get an instant dinner, about two hours worth of heavy labour. She wasn't totally happy with the results, but the male consumer of the household was quite content. It's a learning situation, and an interesting diversion from the usual camping meals.

That's it for now. We move tomorrow. Should mention that after we visit Joyce, we're going to the other side, to New Port Ritchie, where we were for a week last year. Then we go to our friends, the Forsyths, for Christmas, and stay on while they go to Costa Rica with family. We'll house-sit and look after Bailey the Cat. After that, Homosassa for a few days, then see what the weather promises for heading west. No moss on these rolling stones. (Can't believe we've scheduled ourselves so far ahead.) 
Stay tuned. More later.


  1. It's always so nice to read the blog from the "gypsies". What a trip so far. The pictures have been amazing and the description of each has been helpful! I particularly enjoyed the paragraph about Gail trying the "Instant Pot"... that story didn't go anywhere near where I thought it would. We're now "legal" in Ontario, but I don't imagine it is where you are... lol! Continue to enjoy the journey!

  2. Thanks for your note, Betty. True, the term instant pot does conjure up other images. Not legal here...yet. Nice to have you along. Have a great Christmas with your wonderful family. And all the best in the New Year.
