Friday 21 December 2018

Friday, Dec. 21 - Gotta love computers. I just finished my latest posting, sneezed, the mouse went flying from the impact, and I lost the posting. So I start over again. This one will be much better (and shorter).

Weather has been the big news since our last message. On our way to the Gulf side, we hit rain, as reported, near Lakeland. And the weather has been the pits ever since. Tornado warnings, high wind warnings, heavy rain warnings. We got warned to the nth degree. And some of it came true. Great sheets of rain night before last and a good part of yesterday. Big winds that came in last night around midnight, and shook our poor little r.v. But thankfully no tornados.

We did get a break later in the afternoon yesterday, so did a good hike over to the shopping area about a kilometer from here. Toured the big Kohl's store, to see how the Christmas shopping was going (4 cashiers with a line-up...not like Beds Baths and Beyond in Stuart where there were 9 cashiers going with a big line-up). The economy doesn't seem to be suffering here.

Then we found the pub that we'd discovered last year, Beef O'Brady's, and had a beer. Good group of regulars who provided the entertainment with their kibitzing. Back at the park, there was the usual Thursday night music show, which we enjoyed, as it was a Christmas music sing-along, complete with some karaoke tunes. Everyone joined in with vigor.

So we managed to put in the day quite nicely. Today, however, the wind continues to blow big-time, and it's now raining. We go from sunshine to showers, and will probably have this most of the day. Fact is, we're getting some heavy rain and hail as I write. Crazy Florida weather. Not what you'd call a good day for biking. Wow! It's really coming down. Have to remember that this peninsula called Florida sticks out in the middle of two large bodies of water, so it's no surprise stuff like this happens.

Anyway, we'll put in the day, and survive quite nicely, as tomorrow is supposed to be clearer, but with temps only at 16C. Good for biking? Hope so, as we need some serious exercise.

I'll attach some photos from our time in Palm City, and hope I don't sneeze again. Hope everyone is well as school closes down for the holidays, and as final preps for Christmas are completed. Stay tuned. More later.

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