Sunday 9 December 2018

Sunday, Dec. 9 - It's been awhile since our last posting, mainly because we've been off the grid. We got away from the motel scene, thankfully, on Wednesday, settling in for a three day stay at one of our favorite parks, Skidaway State Park, just outside of Savannah GA (no easy access to internet in the park). Fourth time we've stayed here, as we like the trails, and the bike paths that wind through a very exclusive housing district just outside of the park. Thursday we walked all of the trails, and then over to the 'village' to get a few supplies. Total mileage: about 8 miles (not kilometers). Good walking day

On Friday, we hopped on  our bikes, and did a total of 27.5 kilometers, winding all around the island's housing district. It's quite a confusing area, as the roads go hither and thither, so we managed to get quite lost. Hence the distance travelled, trying to find our way home from the opposite end of the island. The homes are beautifully set on large lots, and are of greatly different styles, but traditional, with two golf courses winding throughout. Pretty exclusive place for lowly campers to enjoy some time. Dodging golf carts careening around corners on the cart path is half the fun of cycling there.

After that, we did a couple of the walking trails again, and met an interesting older couple from California. John's son is doing his Ph.D at the University of Georgia, so the couple were enjoying some camping (they still tent at their advanced ages) before going to see him. We talked politics, believe it or not, feeling it okay to do so since they're from California. We shared the same concerns and apprehensions. John summed it up by saying, "At least he hasn't gotten us into a nuclear war...yet".

We then walked over to the village to the local pub for a well-deserved beer. Happy Hour. Two bucks a beer. Doesn't match Doug Ford's  buck-a-beer nonsense, but it did the trick. Total walking distance: about 4 miles. Total for the two days: 12 miles on foot and 27.5 on the bikes. Felt good after four days of driving.

A big storm was heading east, so because the track of it was uncertain, with a good chance it would hit Savannah, we headed south on Saturday. Back to another park we really like, this one located on the inland waterway south of Melbourne, just off the A1A highway. We got a nice site right on the water, just in time to enjoy a lovely sunset. The weather was also a nice surprise, 29 C, so we opened up the rig to air it out, with the temps lovely all night. Great for sleeping, with the waves slapping the shore just in front of us. This morning I did 20 kms on the bike while Gail did some organizing. There was a stiff breeze, so she was glad to stay at home.

The park was pretty full, with many families there to enjoy a week-end of camping.The area is well known for good fishing, so there were lots of nice boats and big rigs to be seen. No sign of economic hard times, for sure. As we've driven along, we've seen many signs saying "Now hiring", or "Applications wanted", for truck drivers, construction workers, warehouse workers, and service jobs. Trump's policy re immigration may backfire on him when all kinds of jobs go wanting because there's no one to fill them. Employment rate is less than 4%. And of course, Trump takes the credit.

The weather looked threatening by the time I got back from the bike ride, so people were packing up en masse and heading for home. Gail had us all organized and tucked away, so we hit the A1A heading south, which is generally pleasant driving, the ocean on one side and the inland waterway on the other. We arrived here at the John Prince Park in Lake Worth, another of our favorites. We were given a pretty poor site, so a little negotiating with the office landed us on the water with a nice big site. We may have to move on Friday, as this sit is tentatively booked, but moving to another site for a couple of days is no big deal. A whole lot of people come in next Friday for the Santa Parade, which we enjoyed last year. A flotilla of local boats, all decorated with lights and Christmas music, does a parade right past our shoreline. Should be fun.

For the next few days, we'll do some biking in somewhat cooler weather (low 20s), and will also have a visit, we hope, from Joyce Brant, who lives up the highway in Palm City. We'll get to see her dear little Lily, the apple of her eye. Meantime, stay well, everyone, and keep in touch. Messages are welcome. Just click on the message icon on the bottom of this posting. That's it for now. Stay tuned. More later.

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