Tuesday 12 March 2019

Tuesday, March 12 - Yesterday I started my post with reference to keys. "Tires and keys. Desert and seas." I covered three of the four items, but forgot about the keys part. So here goes.

At Carpenteria, Gail and I did a long walk in very nice weather. Warm enough that I took off my hoodie and carried it along, forgetting that, most unusually, my car keys were in the front pocket of the hoodie. Got back to the r.v., went to find my keys, and they weren't there. We had walked a long distance on the beach, so guess how I/we spent the rest of our day. Walking the beach, retracing steps, forward and back. No luck. Fortunately, Gail has the extra set, so it wasn't a tragedy. But damned frustrating. First time in my life I've lost keys, that I can remember.

Anyway, we've managed to get copies made of all but one, the side door key, so now have two of the main keys back in hand. Now to continue the tire saga. The rv service guy across the road couldn't deal with my tire, but they referred me to a little dealer in the next town. So after breakfast (I was up early to see this service guy), we drove over to Oceano, and lucked out. These guys knew what they were doing, and hopefully my tire problem is no longer an issue.

We walked into town, a reasonably charming tourist town, as it turns out. Not gawdy, but definitely a popular tourist spot, as most shops cater to the beach crowd. A nice long pier, so we walked out into the wind, strong, and watched a guy surf. Mick Chalmer's son would have aced the waves here...good six to seven footers. Wandered the town looking for a barber shop, as neither of us has had a haircut since we left. Gail is dedicated to the growth, but I'm getting  a little tired of the long locks. Then changed my mind. Let it grow.

There was an rv dealer across the road. We thought we'd go over for fun. Looked at a nice Mercedes Winibago, 24 feet. Over a hundred grand Canadian. Very nice, but wow, that's a lot of moola. We'll stick with old Regal for now, although we are contemplating looking into a newer model of similar size and class, if one can be found.

So there you are. Tomorrow we will head up the most scenic part of Highway one, along the coast, thankful it's open again after two years of closure due to mud slides. Hope we don't get swept away in a sudden downpour. We'll be in Carmel tomorrow night, hoping former mayor Clint invites us over for a drink or two.

That's it for now. Stay tuned. More later, and a pic to show. Only one, as el computer won't  process any more. Sunset on Pismo Beach. Life is good.

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