Saturday 16 March 2019

Saturday, March 16 - Today is Gail's birthday, so I'll be sure to attach a couple of nice photos. There have been a lot of very nice messages forwarded to Gail to help her celebrate, so she's had a very nice day. I did a brunch breakfast for her (nothing fancy, but it was okay), and we did a very nice hike, a mile over to the beach, and then a long walk along a great waterfront. Back for some reading time in the sun, and then to a Mexican restaurant next to our park for dinner. A good day for Gail!

We have to go back to yesterday, and our drive from Half Moon Bay to Bodega Bay, where we checked in yesterday, and have stayed on today. Some folks say the drive north on Highway 1 from San Fran is not a good idea in an r.v. We can see why, having done it. It would be a great drive in a little red sports car. Twisting, turning, up and down, very tight corners, up above the sea, down along the shore, for 60 miles. It was a little tense, but we did it, and all in all, I'm glad we did, as the scenery was great along the coast, and very nice along the interior sections. There were a number of  small villages along the way, artsy places with appealing restaurants and shops, the types of places city people love to visit. Quite a drive, a fun adventure.

Getting through San Fran was no problem, although we did run into a traffic snarl caused by road work. Going over the Golden Gate bridge is always exciting, but with the traffic, not much time to take in the bay below and the adjacent waterfront. We had decided not to stop in the city this time, as we've been there several times, and this trip is focussed on smaller places. Good decision, although it's such a neat city, it was a little hard to pass up.

A couple of points of interest. When we were camped at Half Moon Bay, at around 9:30 p.m. there was suddenly a fire truck racing right past our door. It wheeled around the corner to the site just opposite us, and screeched to a stop. Then a police car came in, lights flashing. Next thing, there were 4 ambulance attendants working over a shirtless and immobile guy lying on the ground. Three cops stood by to ensure... what... order, I guess, having a nice chat while the ambulance people worded fast and furious over the guy. Very efficient and professional. They finalized their preps and lifted the guy into their ambulance and off they went.

We'd seen the guy earlier, a big guy, wandering the camp shirtless in party mode, but he and his buddy weren't causing any problems. I spoke to buddy the next morning (they run a roofing business), who matter-of-factly said his friend had overdone it a bit and taken a fall. Must have been quite a fall, as he was clearly out cold when the ambulance got there. Anyway, all was okay next morning, I was told, as I helped buddy hitch their tent trailer to their truck. Out-cold guy wasn't there to do his duty that morning. Just a little excitement in the old r.v. park.

Today at the beach, we met a couple of men, got chatting, and found that the older fellow had lived on Toronto Island for several years. A long-retired teacher, he mentioned a former student named Brenda Burford, who he thought lived down our way. We have Burfords. Is she one of them? He knew she was somewhere in the Kingston area. Could be the County. We've talked to a number of Americans who have clear Canadian family connections. Some have dual citizenship, and seem to value their link to Canada. Can't blame them, can we?

That's about all for now. I'll try to post a couple of pics. The first is easy. Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. The second is quite a story, tucked into a little park behind our r.v. site. The bells commemorate the death of a 7 year old from Bodega Bay who was killed by robbers in Italy when travelling with his family. His parents donated his organs to 7 recipients, making the boy an organ donation poster child. The Italian people were so impressed, they created bells to recognize his contribution, the largest forged by a company that has been crafting bells for the papacy for 1,000 years. The bells were blessed by the Pope, sent here and placed in this memorial, which was created by an artist in San Francisco. Quite a story, and quite moving.
The other two photos are of the birthday girl on the beach. Looking great!
More later. Stay tuned.

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