Saturday 2 March 2019

Saturday, March 2 - More than a week since last we met. No wifi on site for that length of time, and I tend not to want to sit out at a hot spot in the dark in order that I can communicate. So here we are, out in the middle of the Sonoran desert, in the town of Ajo, Arizona, and finally I have good wifi (and we have t.v. to boot).

A lot to catch up on, so this will be thumbnail sketch stuff. We enjoyed a tour of a very good space museum in Alamogordo. Why would there be such a facility there? The desert is the answer, as well as the White Sands area...all good for the military to try out missiles, Atomic bombs and all manner of destructive devices. So there's a huge military presence in the area, with big bases all over the place. Because of the geography, NASA also came here in a large way to test out moon devices and procedures.

From there we went to the White Sands Monument, a very extensive area guessed it...white sand dunes. People buy little discs for $18 in the gift shop so they can slide down the dunes. (The gift shop will buy the discs back for $5. Not a bad deal. Wish I had the concession.) It's quite an outstanding area, and well worth the 12 mile round trip drive in the park to have a look. We climbed a couple of dunes, sort of like in Sandbanks at home, but minus the vegetation. Pure white sand...gypsum.

On to Las Cruces for a cold night, 25F. Froze my outside hose, but fortunately, no damage to the system. Then to Bensen, where we found a park with t.v. so we could watch the Oscars. Wouldn't you know, once we were hooked up, the only channel that wouldn't come in clearly was ABC. However, after an hour or so, it cleared up, and we had good reception. We always watch the Oscars, even if we hardly know any of the films. Just a ritual that Gail and I enjoy. Anna too!

Next morning, we did a tour of the Karshner Caves, south of Bensen. A most impressive show cave, and we highly recommend it, even if you aren't fond of cave experiences. This one is rated the best in Arizona, primarily because it's a living cave, meaning the alterations to the system are ongoing. Water still has an effect on the subterranean structures. And the State has pledged to do all possible to keep it pristine. No touching anything. Clear instructions from our excellent guide as to how we were to behave inside. And wonderful structures to be seen in the two large rooms of the system that are open to the public. No cameras allowed, so no pics to show. Killed me!

On to Tucson. In a nutshell, here's what we did. Day One: walked to the Tucson Mall, 10 kms return, to get Anna set up with her phone. Lunch. Got groceries in a local Hispanic grocery store. Day Two: Went to Suguaro National Park, and did the 6 mile drive-around, admiring these magnificent cacti. Then over to Sabino Canyon where we did a good hike, ever on the look-out for mountain lions, which have been seen recently in the area. Day Three: Maintenance Day, comprising getting my tires checked, and thus having to purchase one new one for the rear; wash and vacuum the rig; and get propane fill-up. Then visited the large Mission to the south of town. Day Four: Spent the day at the Arizona Desert Museum, which we all enjoyed, and then drove the 2.5 hrs to Ajo.

And now you're up to date. A big decision has been, two. Anna is going to depart for San Diego from Yuma on Tuesday, and is now booking the necessary arrangements. Needless to say, we will really miss her, as she's been so great to have along with us. Second, we have decided to carry on into California, and up to Vancouver Island. We will repeat what we did three years ago, but going a different route, not along the coast the whole way. We'll leave the rig on Pender Island for the summer, and fly home, as we are going to be back in Vancouver next fall for our Lahr Reunion. It will mean being without the r.v. for the summer, but it will save a lot of miles and wear and tear. So we have 4 weeks to make it to B.C. This will also give us a chance to have a visit with Gail's sister Di and family, as we haven't seen them for some time.

That's the news. A few pics will follow. First, Gail and Anna climbing a dune at White Sands. Then, missiles and space rockets in Alamogordo. Next, Gail and Anna trying to imitate a giant suguaro cactus. Following, our hike in the Canyon which was halted temporarily by a major rush of water over the trail, caused by earlier heavy rainfall and snowmelt. We found another route. The Spanish Mission south of Tucson. Then the most beautiful mountain lion ever, my favorite pic of the trip. And finally, a little hummingbird sitting on her nest, something we'd never seen before.

That's it for now. We go on to Yuma tomorrow. Anna will leave us on Tuesday for San Diego. And we will wend our way north. More later. Stay tuned.

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