Sunday, 15 March 2020

Monday, March 15 - Beware the Ides of March. These are evil times. Black clouds cover the earth. Danger lurks around every corner. Walk carefully. Sneeze into your sleeve. Wash your hands regularly...and thoroughly. Corona hides  where you least expect it.

And so we have fled the lovely climes of Florida. Last night in Statesboro Georgia was just fine, except for some weird alarm system that went off at 5 a.m. and didn't stop for an eternity. Today we were off at the crack of 8:30, and are now safely placed in an r.v. park that isn't supposed to be open, but is, here in West Virginia. Our goal is to get to Erie PA, where I've lined up an rv. dealer who will winterize the unit, as we expect there will still be a number of nights with sub-freezing temps. We'll motel it for tomorrow night, somewhere, then breach the border, with hopes they will allow us to return. How could they not!!??

Today is our dear friend Marian Ellis's we send many happy felicitations. Tomorrow is Gail's birthday. God knows where we'll be, so we'll likely celebrate on Tuesday, with family, assuming we get across the border.

We've been in a few grocery stores in the last couple of days. No toilet paper!! Totally gone. And at Walmart's this bread. The entire section of shelves...empty. People are being irrational, yet somehow are fighting for survival against this unseen enemy. We know it's out there. We just don't really know where! So we all wash and sanitize and sneeze carefully, hoping it will save us.

Not really meaning to make light of this crisis, as it is truly dangerous, and is claiming lives in considerable numbers...just like the flu does every year. So we'll do as we're advised. Go home. Stay at home. Hope that neighbours will look after us.

More later. Stay tuned.

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