Friday, 13 March 2020

Friday, the 13th of March - Appropriate date for things not going as we'd hoped. We have a time share booked in the Orlando area for next week, with the idea that Jeff and family would join us for March Break. Because of the Corona crisis, that's not going to happen. With good cause, they have decided they are best not to come, given the uncertainty of border crossings, all of the alerts, the increasing number of cases all across the world, and all that goes with it. So we will head home tomorrow with Anna.

It's kind of gone crazy. We went shopping at the local Publix store this morning, and there was clearly a heightened business in the store. The large space for toilet paper on the shelves was empty. We were limited to 2 small boxes of tissues (and me with my allergies..oh well). People were clearly stocking up on certain items. One woman had a cart full of large Diet Coke jugs. Go figure. The woman in front of me at check out was quite upset with the way people were thinking only of themselves by stocking up on some products in such large quantities. The store is trying to control that, but it's difficult.

The multiple cancellations at so many venues, and all of the sports leagues, really drives home the severity of this crisis. Trump has not helped with defensive statements, and unclear policy. The left wing tribe are certainly out for his scalp, as usual. But the problem isn't much different in a lot of other countries including our own, where there isn't really a national policy in place to date. Some provinces are closing schools for two weeks. Others are banning travel?| We don't know. But all we know is we'd best be going home. If all goes well, we should be back by Monday night.

Thanks for riding along with us. We'll wrap up when home. So more later. Stay tuned.

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