Wednesday 15 January 2020

Wed., Jan 15 - Sorry, those of you in Canada, but the weather here in Lake aWorth has been really nice. Mostly sunny, a little breeze, warm temps. Just what we needed after last week-end's travel experiences. I've already done 5 bike rides, totalling close to 50 miles, and Gail has done about 35. We've also done several walks around the park, have done some reading (2 books for me already), and just generally relaxing.

So all is good. We got here on Sunday night with only one delay this time, again in Atlanta, where our plane was more than an hour late leaving. Gave us time for a beer and dinner, so we weren't too upset. But it meant we didn't get into the park here until around 11 p.m. It was a little hard to find our site, but after doing a complete circuit of this 300 site park, we found it. And here we are, all set up for 12 days.

Our dear friend Joyce came through for us on Monday, driving down from Palm City to bring our fridge stuff, which we'd stored in her spare garage refrigerator.  She also took Gail shopping for groceries, which was big help. We had a nice visit, enjoyed little Lily, and off she went in her little car back to Palm City.

So not much to report, as we've stayed here in the park, enjoying the birds and iguanas along the route, doing some people watching as we ride. We have no t.v. here, so stay up to date, sort of, through internet. Can't say I miss seeing the news, as it's so often not very pleasant.

So that's about all for now. I'll try to find more interesting news to report in future. Meantime, Go Packers. Stay tuned. More later.

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