Thursday 23 January 2020

Thursday, Sept. 23 - We came to Florida to escape winter. But for the past two days, it's been almost like autumn back, windy, and rainy. The temperatures have been dipping into the low 40s at night, so we've had our little electric heater going, and even had the furnace come on a few times.

This morning, the Weather Channel did a piece about iguanas, claiming that they are actually falling out of the trees because of the cold weather. We have a lot of them around the park here in Lake Worth, and we get a kick out of seeing them, although they're classified as pests because of some of the damage they do. They're cold-blooded, so when the temperatures descend as they have recently, they go torporous, and lose their grip, so to speak. Which can cause them to fall from their perches in the trees. Once it warms up, they revive, and are back in action (or non-action unless disturbed, as they lie around a lot).

Anyway, despite the coldness, we are fine. I did my bike ride yesterday in the wind, and nearly got blown over a couple of times. The homeless folks were struggling, and were about the only people I saw on the trail yesterday, as sensible people were hunkered down out of the weather. We are in an r.v. park within a large County Park, so given the fact the larger area is public, and given what seems to be a fair degree of tolerance from local authorities, there are a lot of homeless people around the park. Some camp out in a particular place, like two fellows on the trail who we have gotten to know a bit, exchanging greetings and bits of info about the weather and how they're managing as we pass by. There are others who seem to move around, some with bikes, some with only backpacks. There's also a tent city of sorts. an area where people appear to be allowed to set up camp away from the main trail. There are a lot of Park Rangers out in their vehicles patrolling all the time, so it's completely safe. We are never hassled by anyone.

Two more days here, and then we move on to Key Largo, for one night, then Key West for three nights. Should be interesting, so we're looking forward to a new area to explore.

Time to hit the trail. More later. Stay tuned.

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