Monday 11 February 2019

Wednesday, Feb. 11 - I've been delinquent, as it's been almost a week since the last posting. Galveston has come and gone, and a good part of our stay in San Antonio as well. However, it's been mostly good, especially since we are now three. We picked up Anna, our grand-daughter at the airport yesterday, and are very happy to have her with us. We've rearranged the r.v., and it's working out well. So we look forward to having her with us for the next few weeks.

About Galveston. Foggy foggy foggy. Every day for three days, except the second, when we got a break in the afternoon. However, it didn't stop us from cycling and walking, as any rain seemed to come in the evening or night. We did the entire seawall on our bikes, from end to end, a distance of 30 plus kms return, and we did it twice. So it was an okay visit to a city we've grown somewhat attached to, as it's the fourth time we've been there. We know it pretty well.

From there to San Antonio, I unwisely, some might say, decided to go the long way. Rather than tracking over to Interstates that go by Houston, I wanted to see what Galveston Island is like its full length. This led us to many highways and biways that meant an extra two or three hours of driving. However, it was instructive, as we saw more huge petroleum and gas processing plants along the south shore, adding to the impression we had driving to Galveston past Port Arthur. This whole area is built on oil and gas processing, jobs galore, but not very pretty.

San Antonio. We're lucky to be in the same park as last year, right next to the river valley and therefore perfect for walking and cycling. Short version: since arriving three days ago, I've done 32 kilometers on foot and also 32 cycling. Anna and I did 12 kms walking today (Gail rode her bike, as her shins are bothering her). And Gail and Anna did a good 2 hour walk yesterday while I cycled, so we've got the poor girl well initiated.

There is a considerable celebration of Chinese New Year here, with a lantern parade on the river for the next two weeks, which we'll go to see tomorrow night. On Saturday, there was an event involving the launching of paper lanterns in the river. We bought one for 5 bucks, and put the names of our parents, and Sharon's parents, on the lantern, and then along with hundreds of others, placed the lit lanterns in the river. Quite a sight to see, with hundreds of people showing up, despite the cold weather. A picture or two follows.

We had hoped to go on to Austin on Thursday, but couldn't get a site in any of the rv parks. This is Presidents Week, so the parks are booked up. This led us to decide to head west, so we're booked into Seminole Canyon for Thursday night. Then on to Big Bend National Park after that. Looks like we'll be going on to Arizona after all. Weather has been quite cool, only 3 or 4 on the week-end, but a lot better today. Sposed to go to 20 tomorrow. Finally!!!

Should mention one interesting character met at a bar this week. He's a 30 year old bike courier, of Mexican descent, with perfect English, and rather bizarre attitudes. He is a member of a Texas Cesessionist movement, (small, but he claims growing). He has no use for government or the Presidency, thinks they're all controlled by big money. Doesn't vote, because he sees no point. Convinced that population numbers world-wide are inflated to create the sense of need and thus raise consumerism. We talked for an hour, while Gail chatted with a lovely holidaying RN on her side. Bars are the best place to meet people, with many Americans quick to start up a conversation. And this time we were only drinking hot chocolate and coffee, as it was mid-afternoon.

Anyway, enough of these ramblings. More later. Stay tuned.
Gail putting our lantern into the river. We were at the beginning of the process, so by the end of the two hours, there would have been hundreds of lanterns in the river, floating around. They were in a corner of the River Walk, with a barricade ensuring the lanterns didn't get into the main river system. A very nice event.

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