Sunday 17 February 2019

Sunday Feb 17 - Almost a week since my last post. So lots to catch up on.

We are now in Big Bend National Park, our third night. We love this place. Vast, magnificent mountain ranges and such varied surface features. And large. We had to drive 50 miles today to get to the hiking we wanted to do. The weather has also been great...30C yesterday, and 25C today. Anna is not a heat lover so it's been a little tough for her, but she was quite happy with the lower temp today.

Our last two days in San Antonio were good. Anna and I biked to one of the Missions, and had a good look around. Then we all took the bus into the city and visited the Briscoe Museum of Western Art, which is great. Some wonderful paintings of western scenes and some fine bronze sculptures of frontier figures, native, cowboy and animal. A real treat for the eyes, if you're ever in San Antonio. In addition we walked and biked the river valley, and did the River Walk twice. One of our favorite cities in the U.S.

We left San Antonio for Seminole Canyon Park, where Gail and I have been twice before (and Anna once when she and her family did their great semester tour 5 years ago). We hiked 6 miles along the canyon rim, unfortunately running out of time before we could get to the Rio Grande. A good hike after a longish day in the r.v. And we had a fine campsite at the top of the park, so were able to enjoy a lovely sunset.

Here in Big Bend, we've done a total of 5 hikes in our two days here. We're camped in Terlingua, outside of the park, as it being President's Week-end, all campsites in the park are full.  So we drive in, and do our thing, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Yesterday we did three relatively short hikes for a total of about 3-4 miles, as it was so hot. But today we did a 6 mile hike (round trip) to the hot springs, which are right on the Rio Grande. Lots of ups and downs, but a really good test in the warm weather. Enjoyed the hot springs as well, as it provided a nice respite before we headed back. Gail and I capped it off with another walk while Anna took it easy, again along the Rio Grande into a box canyon.

So now we have to decide what to do tomorrow. Either another day in the park, or go to the nearby Big Bend State Park to find a canyon we enjoyed three years ago. Then on to the north, perhaps to Fort Davis, and then on to El Paso. We're working our way west, folks. And loving having Anna along. Keeps us old folks from fighting all the time.

I'll post a few pictures, having said enough for one post. Most of them will be Anna and Gail enjoying our various adventures. The first is of Anna and Gail on one of the little bridges in the River Walk area of San Antonio. Second is one of the many fine paintings of western figures as mentioned above. Third, and on, outdoor adventures, a game of crib, and relaxing at the hot springs. Wonderful scenery here in Big Bend. All for now. More later. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so nice to have your granddaughter Anna along for a few weeks. What a treat for all of you. Your adventures are many and we've been enjoying reading all about them. We just had Tom & Melissa and our grandsons for 5 days. It was all so darn much fun. Sad to see them go. We're getting in plenty of biking and loving every single km, as I see you and Gail are as well! Life is good all around! Happy Travels! Be safe!
