Saturday 10 June 2017

Saturday June 10 - We are now travelling on our own, as Forsyths unfortunately decided not to come over to Newfoundland. The main reason for this decision was a mechanical problem with their rig. David did not like the sound his brakes were making in the rear of the r.v., so decided that he would try to get the problem looked at before taking the ferry. They insisted that we continue with our booking, and rebooked their passage in the hopes of getting the brakes fixed.

As it turned out, they could only book for two days later, because the ferry service for yesterday afternoon and this morning was cancelled due to high winds. Also, they managed to get someone in North Sydney to fix their r.v., yesterday, to the tune of $1,000. That took the edge off the trip. Also, the weather here in Nfld is projected to to be pretty dicey, so they felt they might be better off to meander home through Nova Scotia, rather than take the chance of something else happening over here. So they cancelled their booking again. We fully understand, and hope they have a great time as they visit some locales in NS they haven't been to before.

We will miss them, as it was much fun having them with us to share planning, enjoy happy hours, and go for meals (a fairly regular event with David's enjoyment of going out). However, given the weather here, they have made a good decision. Although it was very warm here in Gross Morne yesterday, today it feels like early April...lots of  strong wind, a temp of about 8C, and occasional showers. It'll be going up and down like a yoyo for the next few days...18 C tomorrow with showers, down to 8 for a high next Tuesday, and so on. Okay for hiking in the woods, as we'll be dressed for it, but I think Dave and Evie would have been hard pressed to find things to do here in the park. There's a fair bit of snow in the higher elevations, so it creates quite a different effect from when we were here three years ago in August. But still a beautiful area.

The ferry passage yesterday, by the way, was just fine. Relaxing, as the sea was relatively calm, so the 6 hours went by quite pleasantly. It was raining quite hard when we got off the ferry, but there was good daylight, so we drove on until about 7:30 (no later, for fear of running into a moose) to a little place callled Robertson's,  off the TCH, as it's referred to here, and found an r.v. park of sorts that is more a center for ATVs. They were having a big 4 wheel rally today, but we didn't stick around.

The drive along the highway in the western part of Nfld is quite stunning. High mountains to the south, and lots of lakes and rivers. It was foggy and pouring for the first part of the drive. But we made good progress, with the rain finally easing up. In Corner Brook we  found a great grocery store, drug store and liquor store, all in one complex. so we're now all stocked up on various forms of cold medicine (Gail has succumbed to a head cold). They also had a special on lobsters in the grocery store, so we had them cook two up for us, and that'll be dinner tonight. Here in Rocky Harbour, there's a Kitchen Party tonight at the local hotel, so if it's not pouring, we may wander down to enjoy some local music.

That's all for now. Glad it's finally warm at home. More later. Stay tuned.

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