Thursday 23 February 2017

Thursday, Feb 23 - We have lost our rain. We like to 'brag', although being humble folk, I hesitate to use that verb, that we somehow never get rained on when we do our road trips. That ended yesterday. Almost two inches of the stuff dampened our day, and our spirits just a little as well. But today has been beautiful, so no complaints.

We are now in a park that we like a lot, a County park in Lake Worth. Situated on Lake Osborne, we have a 10 mile bike trail that runs around this long narrow lake. Birds are in abundance. I managed to do the circuit yesterday before the rain, while Gail took it easy, a bit under the weather for some reason. Today, we did it twice, for a total of 36 kms. Doesn't show on our fitbit, but let it be known we deserve solid fives on our little screen.

Neat things, from a nature point of view. Last night we were doing a walk-around after the rain stopped, and found a large horned owl, perched up in a tree not far from us. He attracted quite a lot of attention, so moved over to near our site, where we found him again. Loved to hear his soft hooting, so a treat to see and hear.
And today, we saw a number of iguanas along the shore of the lake, out sunning their impressive 5 foot lengths. Most of the five feet consists of a long tail, but they were fun to peer at. They didn't  mind, but if we got too close, they scurried into their bushes with great speed.

We're here two more nights, and then move over to the west coast, where we're booked in for four nights in a site near Naples. First time we've stayed in that area. I spent all afternoon yesterday doing research as to where we might plan to stay for the next 3 weeks, as we're finding the r.v. parks very busy, some with no room whatsoever. So we're going to have to book earlier that normal, for us. No deals either, as there are no discounts in the first three months of the year at most places.

We finished our visit with our friends in Kissimmee in high style. We had a fine time at the Wards for dinner on Sunday, and did a nice walk on Monday with Donnie and Pat at Celebration, followed by a pizza dinner at their condom, with the Wards. Worked out just great, and was good to see our good friends. We really appreciated their warm hospitality.

No t.v. here, so we're blessed with no news about the Donald. We were in the check-in center upon arrival here, and an older woman was angrily holding forth about how much it has cost Palm County because the Pres insists on coming to West Palm almost every week. When he comes, they have to shut down the County airport, which is nearby, for security reasons. A helicopter company has had to move to another airport. And it's cost the County nearly a million dollars in lost revenue. Donald does leave a wake as he cruises along.

That's enough. Glad Evie Forsyth's remarkable mother has done so well with her surgery. At 99 years of age, she is something else. Stay tuned.

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