Saturday 25 February 2017

Saturday, Feb 25 - Just a quick note to let you know we are checked in at Club Naples. We're a few miles from downtown, out in the boonies, but it's a nice park, so it's fine. We came across Alligator Alley, and actually saw three gators at one of the nature stops. I think they were swimming over to where we were standing hoping for a treat.

We enjoyed our park at Lake Worth, as the bike trail is really fine. I did it 6 times in the four days we were there, and Gail did 4 circuits. So we got a good work-out on the bikes. Gail became captivated by the numerous iguanas along the way, and will no doubt send a picture. Or if I can figure out how to do it on the blog, I'll post one, as they are very handsome critters.

This park is full of northern Americans and a lot of Canadians, quite a few of the latter from Ontario. Most are here for the season, and enjoy socializing, we gather, as there's a sizable block party going on just down from us. We may wander over later. But I have to say, staying in Florida r.v. parks is a little like being in a retirement home. Guess that's not surprising, as the folks staying here are all retired. Lots of organized activities in this park, everything from pickleball to bingo to mah jong. Necessary if you're here for four or five months. We're not at that stage yet. Maybe some day. After all, we're not spring chickens anymore. But I think Texas and Arizona are more appealing, so that's probably where we 'll go next trip south.

We have three full days here, then move up to Largo. We'll do a couple of day trips, perhaps to Marco Island and to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. The party down the way was just getting started when we arrived at about 4. God knows when it'll end...maybe as late as 8? It's rockin'.

More later. Stay tuned.

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