Thursday 1 September 2016

God forbid, it's the first of September. In our previous message, it was mentioned that the weather on the West Coast might be capricious. In other words, not the steady heat and good weather we've had in Ontario. Sure enough, we are here to witness the beginning of fall, as the temps are in the mid-teens, and it's mostly cloudy, with bits of rain. Sister-in-law Diane is complaining rather loudly, as though it were here fault. We are not dismayed, however, as the coolness is a pleasant change, particularly as we made our way up and down the hike up Mount Norman, then down and along another several kilometers on the William Walker trail. My fitbit tells me I've done more than 11,000 steps today, so time to grab a book and relax.
Our trip out on Tuesday was a long one, as we were 18 hours from the time we left Picton until we reached our first stop, on Pender Island. We did car, bus, plane, car and ferry, then car, to get here. A dram on Scotch helped bring on a good crash in the sack. Good to be back with Dan and Di, and to see our faithful r.v. waiting for our next road adventure.
After much mulling and pondering and checking mileages and weather, we decided to go to Vancouver Island on Saturday to go to Tofina. We've always wanted to go to that side of the island, so Dan and Di will come with us for a few days. Should be fun. Four in the van. We'll see how that works out. In the old days, we did trips with 4 adults and 2 kids in a VW camper, so this should work out.
So stay tuned. Adventures await.

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