Friday 9 September 2016

Another long day on the road! But very enjoyable, as we passed through a very interesting variety of landscapes. Leaving from central Washington, where we stayed at Moses Lake, you enjoy prairie terrain, with large farmlands producing a  variety of crops...corn, grains, potatoes, hay. Lots of irrigation evident, so we're talking large commercial operations.

From there we moved into hilly, sometimes mountainous country, going from no trees to lots of them. We passed through Spokane, after stopping for a big breakfast that cost $5 for the two of us. Don't know how they make any money at that rate. Spokane is certainly a lot larger than when I last passed through 60 years ago. Sprawls over a broad valley ringed by lovely hills. From there, we got into steep stuff as we passed into Idaho and the beautiful Coeur D'Alene area. It would be great to spend a few days there, as there is beautiful scenery surrounding the large lake of the same name. No doubt there are lots of trails to explore. Perhaps another time, as I'd love to come back to Montana and Idaho to do some serious exploring.

That topography prevailed in Idaho and on into Montana, but gradually things opened up, and we were flowing through a broad valley, good range land, and big sky. The hills were covered in light brown grasses, which gave a certain glow in the afternoon sun. I'm sure the cows appreciate the ambience. We forged on through Missoula, also much larger than 60 years ago, full of the usual American (and Canadian) fast food joints and commercial outfits. And finally we pitched our tent, so to speak, in the countryside, near Anaconda, not far from Butte. Nearby are hot springs, which we would jump into tomorrow if we but had the time.

But it's on to our main destination, Yellowstone, We'll get another early start tomorrow, and try to get a half day in the park before setting up camp. We could only get two nights in the RV park, so will have to make the best of our time, unless we dry camp in one of the other parks, if we can get into one.

All of this pales into nothing, as we received news today that our wonderful friend, Naomi Lacroix, has passed away. We feel so badly, as she was such a terrific person, much loved by everyone who knew her. We will miss her so much. Our thoughts will be with Pat and family for many days to come.

On that sad note, I will again put this treacherous cold I'm harboring to bed. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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