Saturday 6 February 2016

Feb 6 - We didn't freeze up in El Paso, and we didn't freeze up here in Tucson, despite the evening temps being below 32. Today, we bask in sunshine and temps that are well into the 70s. So no more worries about frozen waterlines. It's been a gradual improvement this week, so far as weather is concerned, so we look forward to some fine days for the next week.

We're in an urban r.v. park, so space is at somewhat of a premium. The biggest rock and gem show probably in the world is on at present here in Tucson, so getting a space is not easy. We lucked out, as we're not cramped where we are, and the facilities are good. Many have been turned away since we arrived, so we were fortunate to get a place this close to downtown.This rock thing goes on for about a month, as well as many other events...big rodeo, golf event, and all sorts of things. Point of interest....One of our neighbours is from Surrey B.C. He's a hobbyist with the gem business, buys and sells. He told us of a beautiful 400 pound piece of jade, much admired on display. Must have been unguarded, because overnight, it was lifted by some crooks onto a flatbed, by means of a crane, and hauled away, never likely to be seen again. They figure some Chinese guys were behind it. Audacity on a grand scale.

The writer has had a pretty heavy head cold since we got here, so our activities have been a little less than normal. We did a 4 mile walk to the Tucson Mall...nice, but who likes malls? Yesterday we rode our bikes 8 kms down to the U of Arizona campus, and toured the Center for Creative Photography, which was excellent, and then the Arizona State Museum, which had an excellent display depicting the various local native groups and their history, culture, wars, and the wrongs done them. Very interesting. We lunched in the university cafeteria with the young folk. Wonderful campus, by the way..

Today we set off on our bikes to go downtown to have a look around (most main streets have bike lanes, so getting around is very good). Halfway there, the writer had a flat tire. Fortunately, buses have racks on the front, so I was able to get home by that means. Gail rode back, and was home before me. So a little misadventure to remind us that things aren't always the way you would like on these trips. Tomorrow we will head for Yuma. We're giving Phoenix a big pass, and may stay in Yuma for a few days before crossing into California. We are well, the r.v. is good, need to get a flat fixed.on the bike.More aadventures await. Stay tuned.

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