Saturday 30 January 2016

Jan 30 - We've been here in the Big Bend area for five days, and don't want to leave. Sunny today, and for the past 5 days. Temp in the 70s. Beautiful scenery. And a most friendly camp, out in the desert, outside of Terlingua. Bud and Irene run this little 19 site place, and they are terrific. We've had two nights around the campfire, one night joining the gang to go north of here for a great Mexican meal, and just feel like part of the group here. Almost home. Co-hosts, a couple from Medicine Hat, Larry and Marlene, the latter a very friendly lady with whom we've had lots of nice chats. Lucked out with this place. Originally booked for three days but managed to get two more and then have to leave because it's full.

Big Bend!! One of the most beautiful places we've seen anywhere. Desert, mountains, lowlands, barren wasteland, dry run-offs, hiking that makes your spirit soar. We have a one-week pass to the park, a National Park, so have 'gone back in' twice, and hiked our little feet off, We're located outside of Terlingua, so have to drive back into the park, a considerable distance, to get to hiking sites. But well worth it. We did two hikes each day, one day for 6 miles, yesterday for 8. Up and down, down and up. But the scenery, the mountains, the desert, the vistas....What a treat. A place to come back to. And we ain't leaving yet, as we've booked two more nights in the park itself, so will have hiking, hot springs, the beauty of the environment to enjoy. There's also a Big Bend Ranch State Park adjacent to Big Bend, where we also spent a day, doing some neat hikes, one into Closed Canyon, which was challenging but fun.

Gotta tell you this about the small world thing we've talked a bit about. Today was an r and r day, so we rode our bikes up to the Terlingua Ghost Town, went to the Starlight Tavern/shop up on the hill, after checking out the US Chile Championship taking place lower down. Bought a couple of Terlingua IPA's, and joined a number of others sitting on the porch, drinking their beers, watching the various antics of the local dogs, looking into the mountains to the east. Talked to guy sitting beside me, who, when he learned we were Canadians, said there were quite a few around the area. "Just down there, the guy in the cowboy hat, he's from Toronto, works for a bike shop in a place called Bloom...something." Further quizzing revealed it's Bloomfield Ontario he was talking about.

So I hotfooted it over to introduce myself, and turns out he's an adopted brother to Katie, who with partner Rick run the Bloomfield Bicycle Shop in Prince Edward County. We had a great chat. He told us where we might find Katie, just down the road, so later we did indeed find her there, and had a nice chat. Later, her partner Rick showed up at our campsite and we had a great chat with him. We had known that they always come to Texas for the winter, but had no idea where. Both bikes we are riding we bought from their shop. There's the 'small world of the month' for you.

Can't describe the hikes, the scenery, the desert, the light and shadows, the people that come here on a regular basis. Would take a full chapter, and you'll already be thinking this is far too long. Suffice it to say we love it here, and will be back in future.

One other thing. There's a couple here in the r.v. park from the northern states, in their late 80s. He's a former Vietnam pilot, one who flew in to airlift soldiers out of disaster, she a former military nurse.After the wayr, he became a geologist, and knows this area like the back of his hand. Last year, their family arranged for his grand-son to drive their 5th wheel down here, much to the consternation of Grandpa. Everything was set to go, and grand-son told Grandpa, " I just have to get the car ready for you two to go down south in". He was to drive the 5th wheel, and they were to follow. As he went to get the car, Grandpa said "To hell with that", and took off in the 5th wheel. Grandson had to follow all the way down to Texas in the car. That's gumption.

There's a special type of person who lives here, and comes here. It's a bit of a frontier, even in today's electronic world. We don't have t.v.. and our phone doesn't work. Good wifi, so we can keep in touch with the outside. But if you don't want to, it's easy. Just keep the computer turned off. Go and roam the parched landscape. Forget the problems of the world for awhile. Come to Big Bend. Stay tuned.

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