Wednesday 20 January 2016

Jan 20 - Austin. We walked your streets until our feet fell off.

But before we got here, we spent a day in such a way that no-one of my acquaintances will believe. The biggest Outlet Mall in the world (this is Texas, after all) is located just outside of San Marcos. I'm saying it's the biggest in the world because I've never seen one that came close to this one in size. Every outlet store you've ever heard of, and many unknowns as well. Located halfway between Austin and San Antonio, it draws loads of people. This particular Sunday, the entire parking lot was full. Hard to believe we're facing economic tough times. Or maybe this is part of the reason we are. People spend away like there's no tomorrow.

Bargains? Probably, if you look for them. And allow for the 3 to 2 factor of our dollar, which is quite inhibiting. We weren't looking for much, so managed to find good deals on a couple of items. But it was more interesting to wander about and drink in the American dream for an afternoon. Bountiful supplies of everything you don't really need.

Enough of that. Austin was next.. We were lucky, and got an r.v. park right near the downtown area. This meant we could walk everywhere in the central the State Capital, which is magnificent; to 6th street, heart of the bar/music scene; to Lady Bird Lake, which is part of the Colorado River that was rejuvenated thanks to the leadership of said lady; and to a great bar, the Saxon Arms, where we paid $10 bucks for standing room to listen to a band called 'Lonelyland', led by a most charismatic guy named Bob Schneider. They were terrific.

We biked around the lake yesterday, which took about two hours. A wonderful trail, urban but not crowded, with wide trails, loaded with walkers, runners, bikers, relaxers. Austin must have the highest proportion of joggers per capita in the nation. There seems to be a requirement that if you live here, ye shall joggeth. Almost a religion. It was a great ride. And right after, we set out on foot for the center of the city, and walked for hours. We went to the Whole Foods Market, a huge and wonderful store, the headquarters store, as this 'movement' started in Austin. We're going back on our way out of the city today.

We had it in mind to have BBQ at Franklin's, as our friend Rick Dunn had told us it was a must-do. So we walked and walked, under route 35, to the corner where it is located. And nothing doing. Couldn't even find it. Then a young guy came along, and pointed the restaurant out, right across from where we were standing. Dark. Closed. What gives?  They only serve at noon hour. People line up for 1-2 hours just to get in. Crazy, but that's how it works with Franklin's. So we trudged back down to 6th street, honkey tonk alley, found a place called "Jackelope" and enjoyed everything at half price. Tuesday deal. So all was not lost.

There's a bar on the main drag called 'The Elephant Room' that I thought would be good. So after dinner we trundled past a number of noisy bars featuring music we weren't really in to, and found The Elephant Room. Guess what! The opening gig had just ended, and the feature band wouldn't be on for another hour and a half. Some days just don't work out, despite all of the planning and research you do. So we trudged home, footsore and weary. Still a good day overall, so we're not whining.

Last item! We did the tour of the State Capital. We had a very nice guide, earnest, full of info. There were four of us in our little group, we two and a big Texan accompanied by a petite young woman with long blond hair, dressed in a tight blue sheath, great figure, wearing three inch sparkly heels. The Texan took over the tour. The poor guide didn't know what to do with him. When we got to the Senate Room, the Texan put the guide on the spot by asking him "How many people did President Johnson have killed?" And to his delight, the guide admitted that "I won't say how many, but it was more than none." The big guy was delighted. "Finally someone in this capital is admitting to what Johnson did."

Turns out the Texan has written a book about the wrong-doings of the Clintons, and he is convinced the Kennedy assassination was engineered by Johnson. He's going to write a book about it, but is still gathering information. A person, an independent tour guide, who had overheard this conversation came over and said his granddaddy of 98 years old could tell a thing or two about all this, as he knew the Johnsons, and could confirm some of the stories. So the big guy got all excited, got his info, and plans to go see the old guy.

Meanwhile, the little lady, looking like she'd just stepped out of Vogue magazine, turned out to be an Australian working on her Ph.D in Politics. Big guy is working actively on the Rand Paul campaign, and she's been shadowing him as part of her research for her thesis. She was very nice, but why she was dressed the way she was for a tour of the Capital we couldn't figure out. By the way, the tour guide bailed out, as he had another place he had to be, despite the fact we were only half way through the tour. So big guy took us around for the rest of it. His name is Robert Morrow. Google him (haven't had time yet), and you may find him interesting.


  1. What a wonderful adventure you are enjoying! Biking and sightseeing and so many fun times trying to find restaurants etc,Not sure there is any restaurant I would be prepard to wait 2 hours for! Sure is not super warm but beats our frosty weather right now with lots of icy conditions. We might even go to Texas after readng of all the fun things. We found it most interesting about 3 days is max per city. Sounds perfect for sure. Will google Robert Morrow tonight too. We are heading to Florida end of Feb when Ron gets home from Mexico. We are getting things prepared for the camper and hoping the dollar improves a bit!

  2. Another great letter , I googled Robert Morrow,,you never gave him your address did you.?haha,,reminds me of the time in I met a man at a golf course , after 5 holes when asked what was your employment , he said , retired government , job,WAYS AND MEANS DEPT,said over the 70 and 805 we told the President where to bomb,he hated Slick Willy,loved Bush sr, junior he said was just a fool,I googled him sure enough there was a clip with him on tv...Face the Nation , you never know who you're going to meet,note when the topic of 7,11 came up by us,all conversation s ended,,,keep smilin,happy trails

  3. Another great letter , I googled Robert Morrow,,you never gave him your address did you.?haha,,reminds me of the time in I met a man at a golf course , after 5 holes when asked what was your employment , he said , retired government , job,WAYS AND MEANS DEPT,said over the 70 and 805 we told the President where to bomb,he hated Slick Willy,loved Bush sr, junior he said was just a fool,I googled him sure enough there was a clip with him on tv...Face the Nation , you never know who you're going to meet,note when the topic of 7,11 came up by us,all conversation s ended,,,keep smilin,happy trails
