Sunday 13 December 2015

Decision made

Dec. 13 - We have decided that we will head to the Panhandle after out three days in Largo. To confirm that momentous conclusion, we are now booked in for 8 days at St. Joseph's Peninsula State Park, near St. Joe's, on the upper Gulf. So it is done, and we know where we will be for Christmas. Had to make a move, as r.v. parks are full in many cases over Christmas, so at least we know we will have a place until Boxing Day. Then probably on towards Louisiana.
Yesterday and today were spent biking around the area, and having a beer at our favorite bar, The Shed. Loaded with senior bikers today, with a good blues band doing there thing. Lots of pelicans to watch, which I enjoy greatly. Gail worked in a two hour kayak trip, up the river, and was able to play with the manatees. Several were around her little craft, so she had a great time, Lovely day today, in the 80s, with rain possible tomorrow.


  1. this just a comment test

    Joe bilodeau

  2. Joe is trying to help me figure this out. I would like to comment so fingers crossed

  3. Hey Larry and Gail, your adventures sound fun, relaxing and so enjoyable. We're heading to Clearwater for the month of January, but I suspect you'll be long gone by then. Just getting ready for wedding #2.... Tom & Melissa were married on Aug 29 and now Dan & Stacy will be married on Dec 31 in Thunder Bay. We'll be flying out on Dec 29th and back on Jan 2nd. Continue to enjoy your travels. Isn't the freedom a wonderful thing! Merry Christmas to you both. Betty & Tom xoxo

    1. Thanks for the kind greetings, Betty. We're still lingering in Florida, waiting for the weather to clear. If we decide not to head west, maybe we'll find you in Clearwater. Hope the wedding goes really well, and all the best for the coming year.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just wanted to wish you guys a very Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Thanks for the kind greeting, Wendy. Christmas was spent in a nice area, but we did miss the kids. On we go, however, wishing the weather woul sort itself out. All the best to you and all the family, with best wishes for a wonderful 2016. Happy retirement, Joe.
