Saturday 19 December 2015

Dec. 25 - Merry Christmas to all from St. Joseph's Peninsula State Park in the Florida Panhandle. We have a lovely day, and are about to head for the beach. Not normally my thing, but it's such a great beach, even I can't resist. It goes on for miles, and hardly anyone is around, so it's almost like it's ours.
It's hard to be away from family and friends at this time, but we have had good phone chats, and that almost fills the need to be with them. It's strange to be away, but we have a little Christmas tree in the r.v., and lights outside, so we're doing our best to feel the spirit of the season.

We leave here on Sunday, heading into Alabama. At least, that's the plan for now. The weather doesn't look very inviting, however, so we may have to make some changes, eithter to stay in Florida awhile longer, decide to put up with rain and cool temps west of here, or thirdly, boogy right through to Arizona. We'll post in a few days to let you know.

Meantime, we wish everyone a Happy Christmas season, and all the best in 2016.

Dec. 19 - First of all, sorry for the long delay in posting. We haven't had wifi for some time, so are only now back on line. Secondly, we are sending a great big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to our grand-daughter, Clare, who is now 18. We hope you have a great day, Clare, and wish you luck on your last exam on Sunday.
We   have very much enjoyed both Fort Clinch, just north of Jacksonville, and now Fort Desoto, which is out in the Gulf near St, Pete's. Here, we have miles of biking trails and beaches, so we've been getting lots of exercise, culminating in a 10 k hike yesterday. Weather has been generally very good, although we had heavy rain night before last, leading to a cold front, that dropped the temps considerably. But still quite pleasant.
Our next booking is at St. Joseph's Peninsula State Park, a little west of Panama City. We'll be there for Christmas and Boxing Day, which will be very different from any previous Christmas we've had. Although we'll greatly miss being home with family and friends, the road adventure will continue, We still plan to head for the west, so will be monitoring weather carefully as we make plans.
We're enjoying chasing birds, but have a few that we need help identifying. \maybe we'll have to send some images go our friend Joel Ellis, who knows birds better than anyone we know.

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