Saturday 22 February 2020

Saturday, Feb 22 - The weeks do roll by, as there's only one more week left in February. It's been a strange week weather-wise, as we were in very warm and humid weather during the early part of the week, until Thursday evening, when a cold front rolled in. If there were iguanas around this neck of the woods, they'd be falling out of the trees again. Hope it's warmer over at Lake Worth where the iguanas are in fairly large numbers. This morning the temp was 43F upon our rising, so the furnace was on overnight, and the little electric heater is still going as I speak. Warmer tomorrow.

We've had a good stay here. On Tuesday, we had a highlight day, as we drove to Tarpon Springs, got on the bike trail there heading towards Clearwater, and just as we got started, there were Tom and Betty Garrity. They'd ridden from Clearwater to meet us, and did so much more than half-way. That's their style...go go go. We had a lovely leisurely ride to a very neat restaurant, the Ozona Blue Grilling Company, right on the water, complete with a swimming pool. Bring your swim-gear, and you can have a swim during or after lunch. Bring the kids, and let them have fun in the water while you dine. What a neat concept.

We did a lot of catching up on many things, including a bit of planning for the 2022 DND Reunion we're charged with organizing. Then we rode on towards Honeymoon Island, thinking to check out the beach, but ran out of time, so turned about, said our farewells, and concluded a really nice day with two great friends.

Thursday we had a slow leak in Gail's front tire to deal with, so found a bike shop via the internet, and rode to downtown New Port Richie, which we'd never done before. It's about 10 kms from here, all urban riding, but we managed, got the tire fixed, did a little tour around the lovely park in this rather nice little town center, had some pizza, and headed back. I carried on to the nearby Starkey Park, and did a good ride, ending up with 51 kms for the day. And then the cold front came in. We went to the country music show some of the residents put on every Thursday evening, and that warmed us up.

So yesterday, cold and windy, hunkering down, reading a book, a walk by Lar over to the shopping center to get some supplies. And last night we attended a concert right here in the park, a father-son-daughter trio called the Marlinaires. Could they ever entertain! The dad is one of 6 sons, from Indiana, whose father was big-time in American music, playing with many famous people, like Chet Atkins. All 6 sons ended up in the music business, playing all over the States as group for 40 years. This son decided to set up his own group with his daughter and wife, and was then joined by his son, who took Mom's place when he got out of the military. They put on a great show, the Dad in particular an amazing musician on guitar, fiddle and banjo. Plus singing, some good humour, some patriotic stuff...a really great show for the older set. I checked their schedule, and they perform nearly every night in the winter season, at legions, r.v. parks and so on, around the Tampa area.

This morning we went to a pancake breakfast put on by the residents of the park. Everything that is going on here is organized by the park residents, and there's a lot of it. A great spot to stay if  want a sociable place to spend the winter or part thereof. Very friendly folks, some from Ontario. In fact, we met one fellow from Picton, who has been staying here for about 4 years His name is Maurice Yarrow, a former Cement Plant employee. Met his wife last night, Cecilia, who was a Champion. We remembered each other from school. They're good friends of Dr. Janice Istead, who is down here not far from this park, apparently.

I'll probably do a ride today, Gail a walk. Our Grand-daughter Anna is doing her audition for entry to Mohawk College's Music Program, so we have our fingers crossed that all will go well. That's our main preoccupation for the day. So that's it for now. We move on in two days to our old favorite, Homosassa. We're trying a different r.v. park, so hope that works out. All for now. Stay tuned.


  1. So great to meet up with you two in Tarpon Springs. It's always fun spending time with you. Great ride, great food and a great catch up. Sorry to hear about Gail's leak in her tire, but glad it's all fixed up now. Good luck to your grandaughter Anna as she auditions for Mowhawk College. Safe travels you two! Big hugs all around!

    1. We've noted your attendance at the big game with the kids. Guess I'm glad the Leafs won, for your sakes. Anna thinks the audition went well, by the way.

  2. Hi Lar and Gail. Greetings from all of your FB cohorts, Lar. I know Cecilia Yarrow quite well as we were both Lab Technologists in our former life and worked together at Belleville General Hospital.

    1. It is a small world, as we say over and over again. Hope you're surviving at FB without me. Looking forward to getting back to it next month.
