Saturday 24 August 2019

Saturday Aug 24 - Long time no see. We have had no wifi for the past several days. And then I developed computer problems, which have finally cleared up. So with a limited 30 minutes of time allocated on this r.v. park's wifi system, I'd better not mess around.

Suffice it to say we arrived in Whitehorse yesterday. This is our turnaround point, as we will head back on Monday in order to get to Edmonton as scheduled. All has gone well, the rig behaving very great. So good on us for that. If you're tracking us at all, we completed highway 37 at the junction of the Alaska highway, and pointed west. Stops were at Fort Telkwa, just east of Smithers, then Bell 2, Boya Lake ( a very nice Provincial Park), Teslin, where we visited their excellent native cultural center, and finally here in Whitehorse.

Have to mention coincidences as I like to do. The gal managing the resort in Bell 2 was from Stirling, and had worked at one of the local wineries. A fellow worker heard us talking about Belleville, and told us he was going to a wedding there next week.  In Carcross we met a young guy who is from Trenton, and has been teaching in Whitehorse for 5 years. His mother was with him as a new grand-mother, who is a retired teacher from Trenton. The young man is moving back to Trenton in a couple of weeks to try getting a job, as he's got paternity leave, and can afford to take some time to try to find something. His job here is guaranteed for 2 years.

Just a sample of folks we've met who have a connection of sorts with our home area. Have to mention the experience we had this afternoon at the Yukon History Museum. As we were making the rounds, staff came to us to tell us there was a presentation about to start, being given by a 'musher'. We thought it would only be for a little while, so sat in. The musher is Rob Cooke, complete with his beautiful Siberian Husky. Two hours later we left quite enthralled by his depiction of the 1,000 mile Yukon Quest, which runs between Whitehorse and Fairbanks each year in February. He's done it 5 times, and had many stories to tell about the hardships, and the strength and amazing endurance of his teams. A totally fascinating presentation. We will follow him next Feb, as he's going to do it again.

That's all for now, folks, as I may soon run out of time, and this missive will be lost in space. So will try to do a little more tomorrow, after we do the hot springs and the wildlife preserve. So stay tuned. More later.

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