Sunday 27 January 2019

Sunday, Jan 27 - This will be a quick note, just to reference where we are at present. We've in Bay St. Louis, in Mississippi, just east of New Orleans. Friends of ours from Belleville, Debbie and Ray, are here, having spent the past two months in this park. Since it's on our way west, it was a perfect opportunity to stop in and spend a little time with them. As it happened, last night there was a dinner being put on by the new owners of the park, a farewell get-together for the previous owners, so we were lucky enough to be included. A very tasty BBQ dinner, and a friendly group to spend the evening with.

A little side-note so I don't forget. A local guy, older than the hills, was there to play some tunes on piano, spin a few songs. He has played with Jimi Hendrix, and other notables over many years gone by. When I chatted with him he also mentioned that he'd played with the Mamas and Papas way back when. I mentioned our friend Pat LaCroix and the Halifax Three, and he remembered them, although not sure about specifically remembering Pat. Long time ago. Many interesting stories he could tell if time permitted.

We left Arcadia  on Thursday, getting to just south of Tallahassee the first night, where we found a very soggy campground to stay in...Rocky's RV Park.  Next day we drove route 90, through Mexico Beach and Panama City, where we got a close look at the devastation that was done by Hurricane Michael. I'll post some pics when I have a stronger signal, as it's insightful to see how extensive the damage was, and how far the local community is from clearing up the mess. Mexico Beach may never really recover, as it was pretty much totally destroyed. Left us with a lot of sadness for the people who make (made) the town their home.

That sadness was offset by a nice stay at one of our favorite parks, Topsail, where we finally hit a beach. Six weeks in Florida, and this was the first beach we visited. We did a great walk for nearly two hours, and had a lovely sunset to finish off the day. Cool evening, and cold next morning, but that's nothing new.

This morning we had coffee with Ray and Debbie, and this aft Gail and I will go for a bike ride, ending up at a nearby casino where we'll meet them for dinner. It's only 9C today, but no wind, so a bike ride should be okay. Tomorrow we're booked into our usual park in New Orleans for the next 5 days. We always enjoy it there, and will no doubt find some new adventures. Sorry the weather is so horrible at home. Dave MacKay sent a little video showing the blizzard conditions. Brrrrr!!!

Hope this posts. That's it for now. More later. Stay tuned.

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