Sunday 30 September 2018

Sept. 30 - Back again, for a very short post. I finally noted comments at the bottom of my posts from son Jeff, three of them I hadn't accessed before (always in a rush when posting in a library as opposed to our own digs). He finds my reports of interest, but keeps harping about the fact I haven't said much about the pints we've been enjoying. He wants more details.

Mostly we try to sample local products when we have our late afternoon pint. There are very good dark ales in each place, none of which I have noted as to name brand. Suffice it to say they're all good, although not famous, being local. Gail also likes Tennant, and I have often been reverting to good old Guiness. When we ask about the local beers, they give us a sample, and if we like, they pour. Good to the last drop.

For the next week, I guess I'd better do better at keeping track of what we imbibe, as there seems to be a lot of interest on the part of person named above. Thanks for the interest, Jeff. Bare mention of how we're surviving, how we're coping with our dreadful colds. All he wants to know about is the beer and ale. Oh well! We raised him.  More later. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Larry and Gail, have been enjoying your trip blog again. Iceland sounds very interesting and now you're in Scotland. I guess the trip would be very different without your mobile home and wifi. Enjoyed Jeff's comment about the beer... he wants more info. When we were in Newfoundland with Phil and Kati, we had happy hour at the end of each day. We tried local beers (and they were usually pretty good) and we even tried a red wine called "Moose Juice" and it was terrible! You two are doing an awful lot of hiking! So happy for you. Also glad to hear your colds are almost all gone! Keep up the blogging. Some great stories and adventures!
