Monday 19 February 2018

Monday, Feb 19 - We're just back from Nueva Frontera, across the border. We were assured by several people that this is the safe place to cross, as the ones to the east and west aren't safe. Nueva Frontera, on the other hand, is set up to deal well with the hordes that flow over the border every day. Park for two bucks, walk a couple hundred meters across the bridge after paying a 50 cent toll, and you're in. The main drag is chock-a-block with hawkers and craft stores, people selling everything you can't even think of. But the main products are pharmacy and dental. There are all kinds of shops where you can get cheap, very cheap meds, some that we would need a prescription for, such as penicillin. And the dentists take you without appointment, do free assessments, and will do all manner of work if you have the time.

I talked to one fellow who told me he has been going to the same dentist there for more than 10 years, and is very happy. You can save a ton of money if you need work done, and if you have the time to go back a couple of times if you're getting crowns, partials or implants. An implant can be had for less than $1,000, just to give you an idea of the savings. You have to know the dentist you go to, probably best on someone's recommendation, but the general quality of work is supposed to be very good, according to a few people I've talked to.

We walked up and down the main drag, had a beer, got haircuts (nicely done for $5. each), and had a good Mexican lunch in a packed restaurant, full of Winter Texans, but quite a few Hispanic folks as well. Bought some booze, as prices are generally very good, and recrossed the border. This time you pay 25 cents to cross back, and we had to pay another $8. duty on the two bottles we had purchased. A good day all round.

You won't believe it, but Saturday we stayed put at River Bend Resort. Went to the pool and did the lazy most of the day. That night there was in-house entertainment, in the person on a song and joke performer from Vegas. Lots of cover songs, and corny jokes, but he went over very well.

We were joined at our table by a couple from Saskatchewan. The gentleman and I got talking at intermission. Turns out he spent 30 years as a hotel owner. "Where in Saskatchewan", I asked. "West of Saskatoon." "You didn't happen to know a couple named Vic and Marie...?" I asked. (They are related to our good friends Eddie and Sonya Koral, who we were in Germany with.) "Yeah, I knew them. Vic was my cousin." Lots of info shared after that revelation.

Yesterday on our way to Westlaco, where we're now staying, we stopped off at one of the premier birding spots in South Texas. It's a great state park that has been reclaimed from former cotton fields. So much wind, hardly a bird dared fly, so we didn't see much.  But we did some good walking and enjoyed the birds that were on the ponds. After that we did a huge grocery shop at the H.E.B., the dominant chain down here. A swim and a hot tub capped the day.

Enough. Speaking of a swim, it's time. The wind just blows and blows, so a swim will feel good. More later. Stay tuned.

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