Thursday 4 January 2018

Thursday, Jan. 4 - We'll try again. Just got about halfway through today's post, and lost it. The joys of computers.

Still cool here, but sunny and breezy. The temp went down to the upper 20s last night, causing some concern about the water system. But with the r.v. well heated overnight, there was no problem. Hopefully that will also be the case tonight, when the temp is going even lower. That should put an end to the sub-freezing readings. It poured all morning yesterday (cleaned the awning nicely), and then the sun came out.

So we decided to go to Crystal River to do a little shopping. Turned the key. Nothing. Deader than Henry the 8th. What the heck!! There'd be no sign of any difficulty, and nothing unusual so far as electrical usage. But nothing!! Fortunately, my neighbour next door, a good Kentuckian, had a booster, so we got the unit started, and headed off to an AutoZone store not far away. Diagnosis. Not the battery, but guessed it? The alternator. They had a replacement in stock which I could purchase. But where to get it installed?

The Autpzone staff was great! They phoned three different shops in the immediate area...all busy! However, they knew of a small shop across the highway, but they had no phone number for it. So over I go to this rather cluttered and disorganised garage, where I found a mechanic, slight, moustache, wiry, taciturn, who took a look and said "Yeah, I can do it." "When?", I asked hopefully and pitiably. "Right now", was the reply. Sigh of relief from me.

 So back to the AutoZone store, get the new alternator, and two hours later, it's installed. We're good to go again. Given that it's just after the holidays, and all the shops are busy, we were really lucky to find this guy. Cash receipt. Good for him and good for us. We had a huge pizza to celebrate. We were also able to turn in the old alternator for a $35. credit. Icing on the cake. Something to keep in mind. Next time your alternator goes, buy one from your nearest auto supply rather than having the repair shop order it for you. No add on for the part by the garage, and you get the rebate.

On Tuesday we walked into the village. On the way, we stopped at a place that houses a nice little cafe/printing museum, across from the Yulee Sugar Mill Historic Site. This museum contains all manner of printing equipment, as the owner has been in the business for 50 years, and has become a major collector of old printing machines. He has everything in there, from the old system of print setting which was done letter by letter, to the Linotype machine which revolutionised the industry, up to the more modern equipment that makes the trade so much more efficient. There are all sorts of artifacts in this museum, which is run by James 'Boe' Anderson, including an original newspaper from the 1860s that had reprinted Lincoln's Gettysburg address. It was printed on paper made from old rags, which was the source of newsprint in those days. Hence the term "rag" describing newspapers. Little bits like that were numerous from our new friend Boe.

Boe is a great guy, friendly, outgoing, still enthusiastic about his trade after 50 years in the business. This muscular smiling black man gave us a great tour, explaining a lot of the equipment that he has collected over the years. He is well known by others in the trade, who often find old pieces of equipment and bring them to his museum. Who'd have guessed there would be such an interesting array of items in this little business of his. Boe also plays bass, and is part of a band, The Cool Corporate Cats. He gave us two of his cds, one of which I paid for by putting a few bucks in his donation box. The other he slipped to Gail as we were leaving, as a surprise for me when we got home.  I think he appreciated our enthusiasm for his enthusiasms. He's a really neat guy, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time with him. Never know where you'll meet such interesting people.

The weather has us trying to decide when to make our next move. It's supposed to get better next week, so we may stay in the area for another few days to see how things shape up in the Panhandle. We advised sister Marilyn to put her flight to New Orleans on hold for now, until we get a better outlook for the city, as the projections for the next couple of weeks there are for quite cool weather. Better to enjoy the Crescent City when it's warm outside.

We hope things are better at home these days, as we see the temps moderating somewhat. But more cold air coming in, it seems. And a blizzard in the north-east which will probably hit the Maritimes as well. Crazy winter so far, considering it was supposed to be above-average temperatures for the season. Anyway, no complaints.

That's all for now. More later. Stay tuned.


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