Friday 8 December 2017

Friday, December 8 - It's been nearly a week since my last posting, simply because we haven't had wifi for the last few days. Some of the parks are slow to get the service up and running, so we enjoy a break from the vagaries of social media, slow connections, clogged email inboxes and so on. However we are now in a place with a wifi hotspot, so here I am.

Since last Saturday, we have enjoyed time in Milledgeville, where we toured the old Governor's Mansion, wandered about through the Georgian College campus (this is another town full of young people), watched some young folks all dressed up heading for a frat/sorority shindig (a big part of campus life here) and did a walk along the river. Good day. Milledgeville was the capital of Georgia, by the way, until Sherman marched in and took over the Governor's premises. The Governor of the day beat him to the punch, however, by taking all of the Georgia funds and fleeing to Paris, with the promise that he would return the treasury once the war was settled. He invested the cash, made a pile, and eventually fullfilled his promise by returning to Georgia and repaying all that he had 'stolen'.

The capital moved to Macon for two years, then eventually to Atlanta. We went to Macon the next day, and found a town that in the core has perhaps seen better days. It was rather quiet, it being a Sunday, but the police were out blocking off streets so that they could have their Christmas Parade. We avoided that, and instead went to the Allman Brothers Museum. I can't say we knew much about the band, although we saw Greg Allman in Hawaii once, where he sat in with Willie Nelson at a Cancer Fundraising event.

It was chock full of memorabilia, this Big House, as they call it. We learned that, tragically,Duane Allman was killed in Macon in a motor cycle accident when he was just 25. He was rated as next to only Jimi Hendrix as a guitar player, so it was a considerable loss to the music world. And sadly, his bass player and best friend died in a similar motorcycle accident two blocks from where Duane was killed. So the band was badly affected. But Greg kept the original members together, and the band performed all over the US and then the world. They were even a big part of Jimmy Carter's march to the Presidency. It was a good visit, and we learned to appreciate their music, kinda rock/blues/southern good stuff.

The day at the reception desk recommended that if we wanted some Georgia cookin', we should go to a little place called H and H Restaurant. When the Allman Band members were starting out, they had no money, so would go there, order two dinners, and share it amongst the four or five guys that were there. The two black women who ran the place found out they were too poor to buy dinner for each person, so offered to give each a dinner, with the idea they would keep track, and the band could pay her when they were able. Which they did! The place is full of Allmon Brothers posters, and the fried chicken and biscuites was great. The main lady who started the place wasn't there, but apparently occasionally shows up to oversee the operation. A simple little restaurant with quite a story.

Next day we did the big drive across to Savannah, and set up in one of our favorite State Parks, Skidaway. We almost feel like we're home when we go there, as we've spent a fair bit of time wandering the trails and biking the roads of the adjacent community, The Landing. The latter is a large area of very fine homes with trails for golf carts and bikes, so it's a lot of fun to ride through. So we did just that, hiked and biked. Until Wednesday, when the weather moved in, and after we got in our morning 3 mile walk, we had no option but to hunker down. The rain started, the temp dropped, and it continued all night. We went from pleasant weather to very cool and not so nice, so packed up our wet stuff and headed south.

That's kinda how we operate. If the weather gets bad, we head out. No destination in mind, just go until the conditions improve. So here we are in the Cape Canaveral area, not far from where all of the County folks spend their winters, at Cocoa Beach. We haven't explored this area before, so plan to spend a few days looking around, going to the shore, maybe to the Space Center, and check out the beaches. From there, we'll probably head down to Lake Worth, if we can get a spot, then go back to Palm City to see our dear friend Joyce Brant, who arrives in a few days.

So that's it for now. Snow in Hattiesburg, Mississippi today, if you can believe it. Nice and warm here, although cloudy and possibly showery.

That's it for now. More later. Stay tuned.

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