Monday 20 March 2017

Monday Mar 20 - Where are we? Let's see! On the road, so hard to keep track. We started our homeward journey on Friday, heading for Statesboro, Georgia. We stuck to State roads rather than the interstates, and found it much more pleasant. No trucks to speak of, and much less traffic. Turned out, Statesboro is a very nice town.

We checked out the Wildlife Center at the Southern Georgia University Campus, and had a very nice visit there. They have a nice little wander path, which we did, then a reptile show, and a flying raptor show. Got to touch some neat snakes, and had some great raptors...redtail hawk, an Asian owl, a red shoulder hawk, flying around in an enclosed area, wings whistling over our heads as they flew from handler to handler. It was a good experience. SGU is a really nice campus, located in this rather small city of 20,000, matched by an equal number of students. A true university town.

We also found the local craft brewery, and had a good visit there. They have only been in business for a couple of years, but are producing some good brew. Bought a half-dozen for the experts at home to sample. Interesting, just as we were about to leave, a group of kids came in to get set up for some music later in the evening. Turns out they're with a local School of Rock program, the same organization that our nephew Rick is running in Ottawa. Seems to be going strong here.

Yesterday we worked our way across Georgia, again on secondary roads, and on to Rock Hill, SC. We were here on our way south, but came back because we were aware of an RV service center near the park that could do our winterizing and an oil change. Worked out just fine, as a very nice staff did their duty this morning, and left us all set to be on our way home to the sub-freezing temps.

Today, we rolled across NC, and headed up on the Blue Ridge Parkway just after we crossed the Virginia border. It's a lovely drive, quiet, uncluttered, and with some great views both east and west. We stuck with it until we reached the outskirts or Roanoke, where we bit the bullet and hooked up with route 81, which will be our highway all the way home. Tonight, we are settled into a Best Western, as we can't really camp with the r.v. winterized. We'll be into Pennsylvania tomorrow, and should be home Wednesday afternoon. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

That's it for now. Could talk about the Tea Party guy I had discussion with along the way, but can't do it. Too bothersome, the views that he expressed. So far out of sync with the way most Canadians think.

All for now. More later, when we're finally home. Stay tuned.

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